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Les papillons noirs
La chasse à la baleine
Le chien à la vitre
Les yeux du monstre
Le monstre capturé
Les hiboux
La chasse du dragon
Les ours volants
super hibou contre les poissons ninja
Le fantôme et la sorcière
La danse macabre
Le phoenix
Passage de coccinelles
Les bestioles
La grande migration des tortues
Les virus
Les nains
L’aigle blanc
Les oies
La fuite
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Rêves d’enfance

Our dreams, or our nightmares, were populated with strange animals, with heroes come save the world.

Even if with the age, our dreams change nature, it is sometimes enough to raise the head to lapse into second childhood.

We rediscover then flying creatures which the Polaroid helps to get back to life.

By its indistinctness, its grain and its diffuse colors, the chemistry of the Polaroid brings a poetic vision of the kite and reduces elements allowing connecting it with the reality. The kite does not exist anymore, only stays the embodied character.

A kite, once in the air, is something very static. And the photography, in its principle, contents with congealing a moment in time. But here, it allows to imagine the story before and after the image. It gives a story to the characters.

Now that the spectator is immersed in this poetic universe, I want to leave a thread connecting him with the reality. So, materials used for the realization of the works call remind the material of kites: the cloth, the wood, the thread. The images are printed on cover of 60×80 cm tightened on wooden bars and suspended by the thread from kite.